Thursday, May 9, 2024

Israel Launches New Attacks Against Syria

The Jews are desperately trying to restart war in Syria.

Jews Remember The Holocaust Hoax of Six Zillion Today

Give it up Jews, people aren't believing this lie.

Israel: Netanyahu Indicted on Corruption Charges

The Jewish state might be moving to the political left because of this.

Jew Bernie Sanders Booed by Crowd of Female Niggers

Jew Bernie is having a hard time with the nigger vote.

Germany: Jews Warned Against Wearing a Kippah in Public

Why can't these Jews just fuck off to Israel?

Trump Attacks the Squad for Being Anti-Semitic Haters of Israel

Why does everything have to be about these god damn kikes?

Erodgan Delivers Great Anti-Israel Speech at the UN

He really took it to the evil Jews of Israel in this speech.