Democrat House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries said during a recent interview that the United States might need to send troops into the Ukraine if the Kiev regime suffers a complete collapse.

The Kiev regime is already collapsing. Anybody who has been following the situation knows this.

The fact that this Hakeem nigger is talking about sending in troops indicates that these lunatics are hellbent on doing a third world war to try and preserve this demonic Jew system. In fact, you could argue that the third world war has already begun when you take a look at all the different fronts that currently exist and ones that could open up at any given time.

There are already American military personnel in the Ukraine operating but they are operating in either a more covert or advisory capacity. If American military personnel were to be sent into the Ukraine in an open and direct way against Russia, this would drastically increase the prospect of nuclear war. Russia has already started doing tactical nuclear war drills. They rightly see what the West is doing as a very serious and direct threat to their country.