Saturday, May 4, 2024

John McCain Hospitalized at Walter Reed

I hope he dies tonight.

GOP Cucks and Kikes Oppose Recount in Alabama Senate Race

Matt Drudge is a sucker of cock.

Vote Fraud? Alabama Supreme Court Approved Digital Vote Record Destruction

This is fishy as hell. Why would the Supreme Court give the green light to delete these records other than to conceal fraud?

Trump Calls for an End to Chain Migration

We have mud monkeys trying to blow us up thanks to our broken immigration system.

GOP Establishment Fags Hand Alabama Senate Seat to the Democrats

Processing the fallout of Roy Moore's loss.

Trump Grabs Senate Slut Kirsten Gillibrand by the Pussy

It's good to see Trump grab this dumb bitch by the pussy.

Charlottesville Denies Permit for Unite the Right Anniversary Rally

They've denied the permit over public safety concerns.

Alabama Senate Election is Today!

If you are in Alabama, be sure to get out and vote for our man Roy Moore!

CNN Investigates Donald Trump’s Diet Coke Habits

The fake news from CNN keeps getting more and more ridiculous.

#MeToo: New Yorker Fires Ryan Lizza

#MeToo claims another!