Friday, May 3, 2024

Ye Praises Adolf Hitler, Calls Holocaust a Lie on Alex Jones Show

Hitler was objectively great. There is no lie here.

YouTube Sued for Discriminating Against White and Asian Males

YouTube is a Jew-run organization that discriminates against White males.

Colored Faggot Don Lemon Says White Men Biggest Terror Threat in USA

I see a monkey faggot talking but hear a Jew speaking.

US Military Allowed Torture of Cats and Dogs for “Research”

Everything about the United States government is evil.

DC Cop Commits Suicide After Capitol Storming

Good job. You did the right thing.

Justin Trudeau Caught Up in #MeToo Groping Scandal

This crazy nigga was slapping dat ass!

Growing Electric Vehicle Graveyard as Industry Collapses

It just gets worse for this scam industry.