Columbia University has threatened to suspend and even expel the students who have been protesting Israel on their campus.

These threats did not go over well. They aren’t leaving and some of the protesters even forcefully occupied a campus building in response to the threats.

All of this just shows how much these institutions actually value free speech.

I’ve been told over and over again how important free speech at college is. However, as soon as there is any type of speech or organized protest that threatens the Zio-Jew system, every excuse in the book is made to shut it down.

This is why people with real right-wing or nationalist views are never allowed to speak on college campuses. Even people with moderate right-wing views have been routinely shut down. This is usually done with mobs of anti-fascists who show up and stir up trouble which prevents the speaker from actually delivering their speech.

In this case, there is a agenda to crush these protests because these people despite primarily being leftists and what not are directly protesting Israel and the Jewish system as a whole.

We’ll just have to see how this unfolds, but these protests are not going away. They’re going to continue and will likely escalate if Bibi greenlights an invasion of Rafah.