Friday, May 10, 2024

Twitter’s Jack Dorsey Says He’s Moving to Africa in 2020

There is much untapped potential in Africa.

Blacks Casually Walk Out of TJ Maxx With Stolen Merchandise

This is like a lower level version of what is happening in South Africa.

Faggot Lawyer Sets Himself on Fire to Protest Global Warming

More leftists should consider engaging in this very unique form of protest.

Stefan Molyneux Distances From Groypers Because of “Muh Holocaust”

To hell with this coward and his pseudo-intellectual ramblings.

Justin Trudeau is the Biggest Faggot in All of History

Justin Trudeau is on Team Faggot.

Stefan Molyneux’s YouTube Channel Gets Banned

Wow, that really sucks Stefan, but you didn't give a shit about my free speech.

Man in Court for Calling Annoying Negress a “Loud Mouthed Monkey”

Hurting the feelings of an obnoxious nigger can get you put in jail.

Charlottesville’s Robert E. Lee Statue Melted in Furnace

This is a disgrace. These people have no right to destroy historical monuments.

ABC Cancels Roseanne Reboot Over Racist Tweet

The Jews are really upping the stakes in the culture war.