A faggot lawyer who promoted rights for faggots set himself on fire to protest global warming. This is definitely the feel good news story of the day!

NY Daily News:

A nationally known advocate for gay rights and the environment died Saturday in a fiery Prospect Park suicide, with his self-immolation meant as a wake-up call to save the planet.

The charred remains of David Buckel, 60, were discovered shortly after sunrise when firefighters responded to a 6:40 a.m. blaze in the southwest corner of the sprawling Brooklyn park.

“I am David Buckel and I just killed myself by fire as a protest suicide,” read a hand-written suicide note left near the blackened circle of burned grass. “I apologize to you for the mess.”

A second, longer note — left with the first inside an envelope marked “For the police” — said Buckel doused himself in “fossil fuel” before starting the fatal fire as a metaphor for the destruction of the planet.

“My early death by fossil fuel reflects what we are doing to ourselves,” he wrote. “A lifetime of service may best be preserved by giving a life . . . Honorable purpose in life invites honorable purchase in death.

“I hope it is an honorable death that might serve others.”

This faggot set a fine example for others to follow. I’d like to see other global warming protesters and LGBTQP advocates do the same thing. This is definitely something I fully endorse.

Besides, if you actually believe in all this global warming kookery you probably should commit suicide any way. You obviously have gone insane and killing yourself is definitely an effective way to deal with your insanity.