The popularity of the United States is collapsing around the world. This is due to many reasons but America’s endless support for stupid Jewish wars and Israel seems to be the main reason for this decline. Meanwhile the popularity of China and Russia are rising.


While both China and Russia have improved their standing in the world over the past year, the US has seen its approval rating deteriorate in the Middle East and even in Europe, according to respondents from 53 countries.

Dubbed the Democracy Perception Index 2024, the survey was compiled by the German company Latana, on behalf of Alliance of Democracies, an NGO headed by former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

Russia and China are now viewed as positively as the US in most of the surveyed countries in Asia and the Middle East/North Africa (MENA), as Washington’s approval has plummeted due to the conflict in Gaza. Among Europeans, support for the US has also seen a decline.

“For the first time since the start of the Biden administration, many Western European countries have returned to net negative perceptions of the US,” according to Frederick DeVeaux, the senior researcher at Latana.

It is obvious why this is happening. The US is run by Jews and mostly exports wars, feminism and sexual degeneracy. I’m an American and I hate everything about what’s happening in America. The currency is collapsing, the land is being flooded with low IQ niggers and the Jewish government is doing everything it can to make the lives of the native population a miserable hell.

Russia and China do not export Jewish wars and sexual degeneracy and are focused on striking reasonable deals that are of mutual interest between both parties. It is no wonder why the global brands of Russia and China are rising and the global brand of the US and its ZOG global homo bullshit is in collapse.