Sunday, May 5, 2024

Tesla Recalls All of Their Vehicles Sold in the US

Bad news for the homosexuals who drive these gay cars.

Rumble Comes Under Big DDos Attack

They're probably trying to stop The Krypto Report from being streamed.

Jews Rage After Harvard Refuses to Fire President Gay

She's the 2023 version of Adolf Hitler.

Ford Cuts Electric F-150 Production in Half

Electric trucks are really gay and really retarded!

New Netflix Cyber Apocalypse Film Says WHITE People Bad

You'd think they'd get tired of doing this.

Crypto Regulation Bill Proposed in US Senate

It is basically a bill that contains everything JP Morgan's CEO Jamie Dimon demanded.

Alex Jones Officially Reinstated on Twitter/X

He's been reinstated after a five year ban.

Elon Musk May Reinstate Alex Jones on Twitter/X

Interesting timing considering Jones just lied and claimed the Chinese run Hollywood.

Alex Jones Tells Tucker Carlson That China Runs Hollywood

Of course Jones would say that. This is a man who jacks off to trannies.

Childless Whore Taylor Swift is TIME’s Man of the Year

The cat she posed with would have been a better choice.