Following Tucker Carlson’s interview with Alex Jones, there has been a push to have Jones reinstated on Twitter/X. He was weirdly kept banned for reasons that Elon Musk never fully explained. Today Musk put up a poll asking the people if Jones should be reinstated. As I write this, about 70 percent of the 1.6 million people who have voted said that Jones should be allowed back on.

It looks like Jones will be reinstated on the site and I fully support his reinstatement. Unlike the many frauds that exist in right-wing circles, I am a true free speech absolutist. I personally want my views challenged by people who might have different information or perspectives to offer. That’s because I’m smart enough to know that I don’t know everything and don’t have all the answers. I certainly don’t want anybody’s political speech banned even if they happen to be lying about the Chinese running Hollywood or do interviews with weird trannies. Plus, we’ve all seen how very bad things happen when there is mass censorship.

What’s frustrating is seeing how many news outlets including Tucker continue to parrot the false claim from Jones that he is the most censored man on the Internet. Or the most censored man in the English language, America etc.. Take in point the RT article on this topic.

Some people have been rightly pointing this out.

This is bullshit and Jones knows it is bullshit. Hell, Tucker knows it is bullshit too. It is a weird form of stolen valor. Nick Fuentes, Andrew Anglin, myself and Azzmador are four people who were banned and censored far more than Jones ever was. Azzmador actually had variations of his Twitter handle banned years ago. There are many more figures beyond us who were censored and blacklisted well before the banhammer dropped down on Jones and his Infowars operations.

Even worse was when we were getting banned, Jones had little if anything to say about it. Tucker actually said more about the bans than he did. So for Jones to continue this claim that he is the most censored man on the Internet, in America or in the English language is just dumb and he really should stop doing it.

Either way, I am glad that it looks as if Jones will be reinstated, but that doesn’t mean that Twitter/X should be considered a free speech platform. They still are maintaining bans on various dissidents because of their political views and especially their political views on Jews.