Joe Biden just said that Russia, China, India and Japan are all bad because they don’t do mass immigration. He falsely claimed that mass immigration stops economic growth.

It isn’t surprising to see him say that Russia and China are bad since ZOG openly considers them adversaries. It was however notable that he accused India and Japan of doing xenophobia considering both of these countries are supposed to be friendly and/or allied with the United States. This was clearly just more ramblings from a senile old man who is nothing but a puppet for Jews and their collective interests. It’s really stupid to alienate these countries considering the entire world is dong everything they can to distance themselves from the US as it continues its geopolitical collapse.

Either way, this idea that mass immigration is good for the economy is total bullshit. We’ve had mass immigration in the United States for decades and all it has done is lower everyone’s standard of living. It has artificially devalued real wages and created all sorts of social problems. We are living through the practical results of this policy. If it was really such a great policy, other countries would have analyzed it and replicated similar policies based off its success. They are not doing this because these policies don’t work. Any person who isn’t a complete retard should understand that mass immigration doesn’t work.

Why would any of these other countries what to duplicate this obviously failed and destructive policy?

Just look at the state of American cities. They’re all going broke.

There’s homeless people everywhere around the country.

But sure, these other countries are bad because they don’t want to mirror this. Give me a break. Who the hell believes this shit?