Tucker Carlson posted his interview with Alex Jones yesterday. There was a fair amount of people talking about it on social media. Here it is if you want to watch it.

I had no interest in watching it and haven’t watched it. Especially after seeing a couple of random clips that people posted from the interview.

Jones told Tucker that China runs Hollywood and is responsible for all of the anti-WHITE propaganda in the movies. He also implied that Xi Jinping is a bad person because of his views on Adolf Hitler.

All of this is of course absurd but these are things Jones has rambled on about for years. He also used to blame the Arabs for running Hollywood so I’m not sure why he now thinks the Chinese run it. I guess he just can’t keep his lies straight.

He’s basically taking things the Jews are guilty of and blaming the Chinese for them. The Hitler and Nazi-bashing is also something he has done regularly over the years.

All that aside, the Jews still run and control Hollywood up until this day. Take Disney for example which is run by the Jew Bob Iger. We also see how all sorts of Jews have pushed endless hatred towards WHITES. The Chinese are not doing this type of thing. You can also criticize the Chinese all you want in America without any issues but when you start going after Jews the hammer gets dropped down on you.

Of course, Jones married a Jew in his younger days and he seems to be sexually attracted to trannies. He once got caught with tranny porn on his phone live on air and recently did a very bizarre interview with the tranny Blaire White. So the fact that he continues to push this weird shit about China is not all that surprising.

His explanation about the tranny porn was hilarious. He claimed that he has had porn magically pop up on his phone 500 times lol.

As funny as all that is, I don’t really care if Jones is sexually aroused by trannies. I just wish Jones would be honest about the Jewish problem. He just can’t seem to do it for various reasons.