Elon Musk has quoted a post showing all the billions of dollars that the United States government provides various colleges and universities. He used the post to say that it doesn’t make sense for American taxpayers to fund anti-American activities.

I agree with the premise but I disagree with him on his definition of anti-American activities.

I’d specifically like Elon to explain to me why American taxpayers are forced to fund the defense of Israel. There is nothing more anti-American than American tax money going to fund the faggot terrorist regime of Israel.

Others asked the same question.

Funding Israel is certainly more anti-American than the federal funding of these shitty colleges. Yeah, these colleges pretty much all suck but that’s largely because Jews took them over and installed niggers, crazy feminists and other worthless scum into positions of power. They are still theoretically American institutions that could be fixed if proper people were put in charge of them.

If Elon really feels this way about taxpayer money not going to fund anti-American activities, he should speak out against the funding of Israel first and foremost. Something tells me that Elon is not going to do this. He seems to be a very big fan of the Jewish terrorist Benjamin Netanyahu.

Either way, this is the least he could do considering the American taxpayer helped fund his homosexual electric car company Tesla. I don’t think there is anything truly American about all those overpriced faggot electric vehicles he sells. In fact, I would argue that it is uniquely un-American.