Sunday, May 19, 2024

ISIS Terrorist Goes on Knife Rampage in Paris

Maybe if they let more Moslems in to France this would happen less.

Australia: Seven Dead in Mass Shooting

Guess they didn't have enough gun control!

Iranian MPs Burn American Flag and Chant “Death to America”

I don't blame the Iranians for hating America one bit.

Trudeau to Apologize for Canada Not Saving Jews From Nazis

Why apologize for one of the few things Canada should be proud of?

North Korea Releases “American” Prisoners

This is a definite win for Trump.

Poles Revolt Against the Auschwitz Holohoax Museum

Hopefully the Poles are on the verge of investigating this stupid Jew Holocaust hoax narrative.

Trump Pulls Funding for White Helmet Terrorists in Syria

It will be much more difficult for these assholes to stage another fake baby gassing video now!