Thursday, May 2, 2024

96-Year-Old German Man Jailed for Helping Gas 300,000 Jews

He was found guilty of gassing 300,000 Jews in fake shower rooms through his accounting work!

CNN Airs Secret Trump-Cohen Tape

All this reveals is scummy behavior by a Jew.

Israel Has Bombed Syria for Three Nights Straight

Looks like Bibi is trying to distract people from his domestic political issues.

Jew-Run Meta Declared Extremist Group and Banned from Russia

Meta is a Jewish extremist organization that hates free speech and has an irrational hatred of Russians.

PewDiePie Withdraws $50K Donation to the Jewish ADL

Felix just pulled off a fantastic troll. The ADL certainly can't be happy about this.

Blinken Demands Niggers Resume Relations With Israel

The Niger niggers gain nothing from normalizing relations with Israel.

Israeli Superhero to be Featured in New Captain America Movie

The film is literally called Captain America: New World Order.

NATO Chief Says They Won’t Defend Israel if Iran Attacks

Israel doesn't have many friends around the world.

Faggot Jew Matt Drudge Pushes Trump-Stroke Fake News

Jews and especially Jewish faggots have no place in right-wing politics.

Orange Man Calls For Eradication of Anti-Semitism

The only way to prevent anti-Semitism is to get rid of Jews.