Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Taiwan’s ZOG Party Wins Presidential Elections

The only reason they won is because the opposition vote was split between two parties.

US Increases Ukraine Military Aid to $1 Billion

Another waste of money courtesy of the United States government.

France: Video Shows Evidence of Arson at Notre Dame Cathedral

It would not be a surprise if a Moslem did this. They seem quite happy that this building was set on fire.

Russia’s FSB Blames Ukraine For Darya Dugina’s Death

There's no reason to really doubt the Russians on this.

Biden Tells 82nd Airborne They’re Going to Ukraine

Clap for that you stupid bastards.

Russia Rightly Blames West for Rising Food Prices

The West is absolutely to blame. It isn't even debatable.

Trump Says Trade Deal With China Has Been Struck

The Jew Chuck Schumer doesn't like the deal so maybe it isn't half bad.

AfD Politician Banned From Social Media for Anti-Moslem Post

Free speech does not exist in Germany.