Saturday, May 4, 2024

22 Million People Have Now Filed for Unemployment

We haven't even seen the end of it.

Arizona Rancher Won’t Be Retried Over Death of Brown Invader

It was absurd he was tried in the first place.

CLAIM: 20 Million Virus Tests a Day to Reopen Country

Here's the new bullshit excuse they have to keep the country locked down.

Musk Reopens Tesla Factory in Defiance of Tyrannical Government

It's good to see that Musk is standing up for freedom.

Los Angeles: Protesters Block Freeway, Smash Cop Cars

There were going to be riots all over the country this summer any way.

Democrats Kneel to Honor Christ-Like Figure George Floyd

Democrats must do more to prove that they aren't racist.

Joe Biden Says 120 Million People Died of Coronavirus

How do the Democrats expect this man to debate Trump?

Tuberville Defeats Sessions in Alabama Senate Primary

This is probably the end of Jeff Sessions political career.

Major Black Riots in Chicago Over the Weekend

Nothing substantive is being done to stop this madness.

Rand Paul Attacked by Terrorist Mob After Trump’s RNC Speech

We now have sitting senators getting attacked in the streets.