Sunday, May 5, 2024

Millions of Pounds of Food Rot as Americans Flood Food Banks

Unlike the fake coronavirus hysteria, we have a real crisis unfolding with our food supply..

Seth Rich Reportedly Confirmed to Be DNC Email Leaker

This is basically just confirmation of what we already knew.

Jew-Run DOJ Investigating Musk Over Twitter Deal

What is there to investigate? This is just another Jewish fishing expedition.

Zio-Fag Lindsey Graham Says Capitol Stormers Were Terrorists

Lindsey Graham is the real terrorist.

Boeing Plane Loses Panel Mid-Flight

We are averaging one of these a day.

Coronavirus 50 Times Less Deadly Than Claimed

Final confirmation that this whole thing is a gigantic hoax.

Soil in East Palestine, Ohio Far Beyond Cancer Risk Thresholds

The Jewish government won't help these people. They want them to die actually.

Trump Reviews Border Wall Prototypes

Build the damn wall already!

Alex Jones Files for Bankruptcy

There is no free speech in America when things like this are allowed to happen.

Charlottesville Denies Permit for Unite the Right Anniversary Rally

They've denied the permit over public safety concerns.