The Zionist faggot Lindsey Graham was very angry that patriotic Americans temporarily took over the US Capitol the other day. He’s  demanding that the people who entered the Capitol be charged with all sorts of crimes. He has even called these great patriots “terrorists” despite the biggest act of violence being that of a cowardly ZOG cop shooting a patriotic military veteran dead for no justifiable reason.

These people were not terrorists. They did not come armed with guns. They were protesting an illegitimate election result that you refused to fix you filthy cocksucking liar. Maybe if the election system was legitimate, these people would not have felt a need to show up and protest their dissatisfaction.

Graham is someone who has spent his whole political career supporting endless wars for the foreign country of Israel and has gladly voted in favor of spending billions upon billions of American tax dollars in these gay ass wars. But some Americans temporarily occupy the US Capitol over a fraudulent election and he claims they’re terrorists.

So fuck you Lindsey you gay piece of shit. You are the real terrorist. People are not going to forget you voting in favor of certifying this fraudulent election. You might want to seek asylum in Israel but I guess that will solely depend on if the Jews think you’ve sucked an adequate amount of Jew cock.

Because here’s the deal, the United States government no longer has any legitimacy among a large percentage of the American population and that’s a “new normal” that traitors like you are going to have to deal with.