Thursday, May 9, 2024

Jew Schiff is Daring Trump to Fire Jew Rosenstein

More kikery from the kike Schiff.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Breaks Her Ribs

What a shame this is.

Jew Chuck Schumer Waging a War Against Funding a Border Wall

Jews like Schumer are very bad for America's national security.

Syria Threatens to Bomb Tel Aviv’s Airport

Seeing Tel Aviv's airport in flames would be a fine sight to behold.

Pedophile Ring Discovered on YouTube aka JewTube

For YouTube, banning right-wing content was more important than banning pedophile rings.

Israeli Soldiers Shoot Blindfolded, Handcuffed Palestinian Teen

So much for human rights. The Jews don't believe in them.

Jew Comedian Loses His Shit After Someone Says Jews Run TV

Fucking kike thinks the truth is anti-Semitic.

Jews Demand Congress Make Holocaust Education Mandatory

Yes, all kids should know all know about your retarded hoax you filthy kikes.

100 Tires Slashed in Orthodox Jew Community

The Jews will claim six million tires were slashed by tomorrow.