Thursday, May 2, 2024

Jew Zelensky’s UN Speech Edited to Show Larger Crowd

They accidentally spliced in a clip of Zelensky sitting in the crowd as Zelensky spoke.

Netanyahu Tells Musk to Stop Anti-Semitism on Twitter

He said he wants to stop anti-Semitism within the confines of the First Amendment when that is impossible.

Trump Says Liberal Jews are Destroying America

Jews of all political persuasions are destroying America. It isn't just "liberal Jews."

Jew Zelensky Rules Out Land Concessions to Russia

With this attitude, there will be nothing left of the Ukraine when this is over.

Jew Bret Weinstein Claims MLK Was a Founder of America


Jews Order Kiev’s Christian Churches Closed

What else would you expect from these Christ-killing pieces of shit?

Blinken Says ZOG Must Overcome Russia and China

Good luck with that one Jew.

Israeli Mossad Concerned About Russia Giving Iran Weapons

Russia is allied with many of Israel's enemies.

Alex Jones is Against Banning the ADL and Says They’re Pro-Hitler

After making this statement Jones proceeded to jack his dick to tranny porn.