The Jew Antony Blinken spoke at John Hopkins University describing how the United States must overcome threats from Russia and China to preserve Jewish domination of the universe.


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has claimed the world is transitioning to a new diplomatic order in which Washington must lead the way in overcoming increasing threats from Russia and China.

“One era is ending, a new one is beginning, and the decisions that we make now will shape the future for decades to come,” Blinken said on Wednesday in a speech at John Hopkins University in Washington. He said the “post-Cold War order” ended as “decades of relative geopolitical stability have given way to an intensifying competition with authoritarian powers.”

Those powers are led by Russia and China, Blinken said, adding that “Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine is the most immediate, the most acute threat to the international order.” China poses the biggest long-term challenge, he claimed, because it aspires to reshape the international order and is developing the economic, diplomatic, military and technological power to do so.

The international order that Blinken describes is not any sort of order. It is a tyrannical regime run by Jews that is trying to force the whole world to do gay sex with one another through threats, war and other forms of extortion.

Much of the world rightly views the so-called international order as a very evil entity and that is why more and more countries are establishing closer ties with Russia and China. This has accelerated following the Afghanistan exit debacle and this pointless war in the Ukraine that the US and its ZOG partners are fully responsible for.

Blinken nor any of the Jews running things in Washington DC have a coherent plan on how to counter Russia and China. Everything they have tried has failed and has actually been counterproductive. The sanctions on Russia were particularly stupid. These failures are only going to get worse as the West’s economy continues its collapse into an abyss.

The Jews also thought it would be cute to put foolish women, niggers and other low IQ scum into positions of power. Let’s see how well that works out for them as they try to counter Russia and China who are not doing these things.