Saturday, April 27, 2024

Newsweek Says Jew Connection to Weed Industry is a Conspiracy Theory

This is some of the worst journalism I have ever seen.

Muh 7,000,000!

7 million Jews died in Adolf Hitler's shower room gas chamber facilities.

Canadian Woman Arrested in Germany for Holohoax Denialism

This woman did nothing wrong. The World War II Jew Holocaust never happened. It is a hoax.

ISIS Going to War With Hamas for Not Hating Jews Enough!

This is hilarious considering ISIS attacks everyone else but Jews and Israel.

Israel Demands Africans Leave or Face Jail

How will Israel survive without infinite niggers?

Israelis Make Martyr Out of Palestinian Teen Who Punched Jew Soldiers

This was a really stupid move by the Jews. They just turned this girl into a Palestinian Joan of Arc figure.

Jew Logan Paul Ridiculed For Posting Video of Suicide Victim

Logan Paul sucks but not because of this.