Steam has a videogame that allows players to fight and kill Israeli Diaper Faggots. Jews are not happy with this particular videogame and are demanding that Steam take it down.

These Jews can fuck off with this. How many World War II videogames have come out allowing players to kill Germans? There’s literally endless numbers of those.

But what are these Jews trying to say with this whining? That defending yourself from Jewish terrorism is bad? The Jews are the ones that showed up in Palestine and started committing acts of terrorism against the people there. Any violence directed against Jews in Palestine is self-defense from the violence Jews have done against the Palestinians.

If the Jews didn’t want this situation they could have setup Israel in Madagascar or any other sparsely populated place really. They decided instead to setup their Jew terror state in Palestine. They get what they get and they only have themselves to blame for this.

Either way, this is just a videogame and these kikes are getting all upset about it while they commit real atrocities and genocide. These Jews are just insufferable. They have no place being around civilized people and belong in the pits of hell.