Monday, May 20, 2024

Wall Street Journal Claims There Are Only Two Genders

This is insane and hateful. There are obviously millions of different gender types.

92 Percent Vaxxed South Korea Imposes More Restrictions

Taking the vaxx will not give you your freedom.

Trump Doubles Down on Border Security Demands

If shutting down the government is needed to get the wall built than so be it!

Another Clinton Aide’s Death Wrongly Declared a Suicide

People have been dying suspiciously around the Clintons for years.

Germany to Give Jew Holohoaxers $236 Because of October 7th

Germany really needs to stop giving money to Jews.

Kike MSNBC Host Calls for FBI to Entrap White Men With Bomb Plots

The FBI is already doing this. It is just wild to see them promoting this scheme on national television.

BioNTech CEO Says Triple Vaxxed Likely to Transmit Virus

Guess this means we need a fourth shot!

Twitter Apologizes for Banning Based Negress Candace Owens

She proved that you can bash White people with no consequence on these biased platforms.

ADL Confirms Jews are Warmongers, Globalists and Communists

The Jewish ADL apparently hates Jews