Tuesday, May 14, 2024

France: Video Shows Evidence of Arson at Notre Dame Cathedral

It would not be a surprise if a Moslem did this. They seem quite happy that this building was set on fire.

Dems Push Big Tax Increase to Further Wreck Middle Class

This is yet another sign that the ZOG empire is dying.

Starbucks Begins Deploying Needle-Disposal Boxes at Their Stores

Drug use in coffee stores is culturally enriching.

Ye Suspended From Twitter After Posting Raelian Symbol

This is not free speech absolutism.

Mixing Vaxccines is a Thing Now

They want you to mix different vaxx types now because of science or whatever.

Trump Vetoes $700 Billion Defense Bill

Congress will likely override his veto, but it was the right move any way.

France: “Yellow Vest” Protests Enter 24th Week

They're only going to get bigger as we enter the summer months.

Russia and China Continue Moving Away From US Dollar

The US Dollar will no longer be the world's reserve currency.