A few days ago I did a report on Anne Heche’s death. She died at the age of 53 after crashing her car in a drug-fueled haze. Heche was a Hollywood actress who rose to fame in the 1990s and helped normalize homosexual relationships via her sexual relationship with Ellen Degeneres. Her role in normalizing this garbage is the main reason why I commented on her death.

When her relationship with Degeneres was a big media story in the 1990s, the whole thing seemed very bizarre. There was never really an explanation as to why Heche suddenly decided to engage in this very public homosexual relationship.

As it turns out, Heche’s father was a homosexual who had GRIDS and died in 1983. Her dad sexually abused Heche and her siblings throughout her childhood.

Weirdly enough, her mother who is still alive in her 80s became some sort of evangelical religious fanatic while all this evil was going on. She claimed that Anne was lying about the abuse her dad put her through. She also claimed to not knowing her husband was a homosexual throughout much of her marriage because she was a “50s girl.”

The NY Post has a whole article about this.

She seems to be lying about what she knew and when she knew it. She probably made these weird claims and turned to religion to absolve herself of any responsibility for what happened to her kids.

Either way, I honestly didn’t realize how weirdly sick and deranged her family was. But based on all of that, it makes sense why she experimented with homosexuality later on in life and did the things that she did. I still don’t condone Heche for her role in normalizing homosexuality due to the societal damage her actions caused, but I at least have a better understanding of why she did what she did. It seems like most Hollywood celebrities are damaged people who come from damaged families. Heche was certainly no exception.