Friday, May 3, 2024

North Korea Blamed for WannaCry Attack

This looks like a convenient misdirection of blame.

Andrew McCabe Testifies in Front of House Intel Committee

The conspiracy to hoax a conspiracy is finally unraveling.

Tax Reform Bill Passes Congress

Looks like the Republicans finally got a major political win under their belt. Took them long enough!

Ocean’s 8: The Feminist Version of Ocean’s 11 Looks Absolutely Awful

Hollywood continues to try and jam as much feminism down our throats as possible.

A Note to Luke O’Brien: Andrew Anglin is Really in Lagos, Nigeria

Luke O'Brien can't accept the fact that Andrew Anglin actually lives in Lagos, Nigeria.

Goofy Jackass James Clapper Claims Trump is Putin’s Asset

James Clapper has been hired by CNN to promote Jew propaganda and lies.

Eminem is a Confirmed Faggot

Eminem has admitted that he likes sucking dick.

Twitter’s Hypocritical Statement on Net Neutrality

Twitter's hypocrisy defies comprehension.

11 Hour Power Outage Hits Atlanta’s Airport

I suppose the only answer to solve these problems is to put more Blacks in charge of stuff.

Jew Al Franken Urged by Democrats to Reconsider Resignation

They're opening the door for Franken to reconsider his resignation.