The World Economic Forum has published an article advocating the need to implant microchips with location trackers in kids. They say there are solid rational reasons to do this.


Human implant technologies will soon become a commodity, a blog post published on the World Economic Forum’s website last week suggests, arguing that there are “solid, rational” reasons for microchipping children with location trackers.

The author, Vice President R&D of the Interuniversity Microelectronics Center (IMEC) Kathleen Philips, argues that augmented reality technology “has the ability to transform society and individual lives” and despite sounding “scary,” will undergo the same “natural evolution” as wearable tech.

“Hearing aids or glasses no longer carry a stigma. They are accessories and are even considered a fashion item. Likewise, implants will evolve into a commodity,“ she wrote.

These World Economic Forum people and all these other Jewish globalists types have been pushing this transhumanist garbage hard for years. They literally want to enslave human beings by merging them with technology. It’s Mark of the Best level type shit.

Just listen to what the evil Israeli Jew Yuval Noah Harari says about immortality. He’s been a high level figure within the WEF for some time now.

He and others associated with the WEF literally believe this stuff.

Basically these elitist Jews and their minions think they can merge with technology to achieve immortality while they use that same technology to manage a small slave class of drones that will do their bidding. This after they cull the billions of so-called “useless people” while pacifying others with drugs and computer games.

It’s an insane plan that is totally against the natural order of things. This plan has no chance of succeeding because of how ridiculously nuts it all is.