The Jew Alex Soros who is the son of the billionaire Jew George Soros has basically inherited his father’s subversive network of non-governmental organizations. Old George is like 900-years-old and he will die soon. Alex made a public appearance at the World Economic Forum and spoke at one of the panels.

Listen to this clip of him. It shows clearly that he is not smart and I would even go so far as to argue that he is a very big dumbass. I could not understand what the hell he was trying to say. It was just a bunch of incoherent word salad.

Maybe one of you out there can decipher what the hell he was trying to say. He did not seem to articulate a single coherent idea.

He basically sounds like one of those niggers who uses all sorts of fancy college words to hide the fact that they don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about. His IQ level is probably not much different than those niggers either.

The fact that he’s going to be running all these subversive Open Society Foundation NGOs is really great. After seeing this clip, I’m fairly confident that he’s going to totally mismanage and destroy everything his father built with his ill-gotten shekels.