The Wall Street Journal’s Editor-in-Chief Emma Tucker was at the World Economic Forum admitting that organizations like the WSJ have lost the ability to gatekeep news.

This is true.

These legacy media operations still wield power, but that power has declined significantly over the past decade or so. They’ve been caught pushing so many lies and false narratives, that large numbers of people just lost trust in them. Take in point stories like Russiagate, the COVID hoax, the Ukraine war etc.. They were mostly just parroting propaganda instead of doing actual real journalism and trying to find the truth.

Some media operations like CNN and others even went so far as to push for free speech restrictions on social media to try and shut down their competition. Take in point when CNN’s Oliver Darcy pushed to have Alex Jones banned from social media.

You can look back at my old articles and even though I don’t get everything right all the time, my track record is stellar compared to any of these legacy media operations. I was eventually proven right about Russiagate, the COVID hoax and the Ukraine war.

The most important asset for any media brand is trust. If you lose the trust of your audience, it is very difficult to get that trust back. That’s the issue these big Jew media operations have. They’ve lost huge amounts of market share to people like myself and random people on social media because of this. They can no longer manipulate public opinion at will. The first sign of this was when Donald Trump got elected President in 2016. They did everything they could to prevent him from winning the presidency and they failed. They reacted by freaking out with all the Russiagate retardation and that just snowballed to where we are now.

If these assholes actually did their jobs right, there would be no need for a site like this to exist.