The World Health Organization which has been wrong about the coronavirus every step of the way, is now saying that recovering from the infection doesn’t mean you have immunity.

France 24:

The World Health Organization warned on Saturday that recovering from coronavirus may not protect people from reinfection as the death toll from the pandemic approached 200,000 around the globe.

Governments across the world are struggling to limit the economic devastation unleashed by the virus, which has infected nearly 2.8 million people and left half of humanity under some form of lockdown.

The United Nations has joined world leaders in a push to speed up development of a vaccine, but effective treatments for COVID-19, the disease caused by coronavirus, are still far off.

But with signs the disease is peaking in the US and Europe, governments are starting to ease restrictions, weighing the need for economic recovery against cautions that lifting them too soon risks a second wave of infections.

The WHO warned on Saturday that there is still no evidence that people who test positive for the new coronavirus and recover are immunised and protected against reinfection.

It’s pretty clear why they are saying this. The WHO is a major advocate of mass vaccination programs. They want to use this pandemic hoax to vaccinate as many people as possible with whatever mystery vaccine they promote to the public. If they say that people who recover are immune from the coronavirus, those people won’t need to get a vaccine.

Ultimately, what I think these people are going to push for is to make people take a new coronavirus vaccine every year. They are also going to demand governments make the vaccine mandatory in order for people to work and/or travel.

And god only knows what will be in whatever vaccine they come up with. But it will probably be some type of 666 Mark of the Beast shit.

The one thing I know is that I will never take any of these retarded coronavirus vaccines. I’d rather be dead than injected with whatever vaccine they promote. Especially considering that the satanic dickhead Bill Gates who tortured the world with a myriad of terrible computer operating systems seems to be the architect of this weird vaccine agenda. Bill probably wants to inject us with liquid shit mixed with dystopic nanotechnology that will allow him to control your brain via a 5G network connection.

Well Bill, I am not going to allow you to control my brain via a 5G network connection. Feel free to test your poop nanotechnology vaccine on some African niggers though.