The World Health Organization is saying there’s going to be a massive surge in cancer.


Global cases of cancer will surge to 35 million by the year 2050, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) cancer agency has predicted – a 77% increase over figures reported in 2022.

The predictive data, published on Thursday by the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), cites the use of tobacco and alcohol, as well as obesity and poor air quality, as the primary factors driving the expected increase in cases by 2050.

“Over 35 million new cancer cases are predicted in 2050,” the IARC said in a statement on its website, adding that this number is 77% higher than the 20 million diagnosed in 2022.

The IARC’s biannual report, which is based on data from 185 countries and 36 different types of cancer, also said that there were some 9.7 million deaths from the illness globally in 2022. About one in five people can expect to develop cancer in their lifetimes, it added, with one in nine men dying from the disease compared to about one in 12 women.

This predicted rise in cancer will be because of climate change from all those cows farting.

It will not be because governments around the world forced people to take a deadly experimental shot over a fake pandemic. That’s the one thing it absolutely can’t be. If you think this you are a conspiracy theorist and an anti-Semite who hates niggers. Don’t question anything slave.