New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is now imposing mandatory coronavirus tests for travelers entering into the state.

Where the hell is the Department of Justice on this? All of the things Cuomo and other Democrat state governors have done in response to this virus hysteria has been illegal and unconstitutional.

The only thing Bill Barr has done in response to these illegal acts is write a stern letter saying that they would hold state governments accountable for unconstitutional orders. Outside of that, he hasn’t done shit.

This order is just one of many crimes this corrupt asshole has been involved in. He should be charged with multiple counts of manslaughter for what he did to the nursing homes in his state. He filled them with people who were infected with the coronavirus and deliberately exposed a vulnerable population of people to it.

Cuomo should be arrested for crimes against the people of New York and America, but we all know that nothing is going to happen to him. At least when he dies, we can be assured that he will reside in the pits of hell.