So just hours after the government issues a terror warning for the state of New York, a car explodes at the Rainbow Bridge border crossing. This is the crossing around Niagara Falls between Canada and New York. There’s conflicting reports about what happened.

Weirdly enough the incident occurred at exactly 11:22 Eastern Time on November 22nd.

Fox News is saying the car was filled with explosives.

There’s video of the car going airborne.

Here’s an eyewitness testimony.

What a strange deal.

With the way the media is freaking out about this, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that the Jews, the FBI or some other ZOG entity was involved with this. Of course, it could have also just been some crazy asshole who decided he wanted to cross the border at 100mph.

If the car turns out to have had explosives in it the media will probably try linking the incident to Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran or any other enemy of the Jews. They will then claim we have to go to war to defend Israel.

We’ll see though. There’s still not enough information to know exactly what happened here. If the incident doesn’t serve Jewish agendas, it will be quickly memory-holed.