The Mohammed cartoon drama in France has now resulted in a priest getting shot.

For some reason the French government has explicitly endorsed all these stupid Mohammed cartoons. The cartoons are being projected onto buildings. This has greatly insulted Moslems around the world and resulted in Moslems inside of France lashing out at Christians. Several people have already been beheaded by Moslems as this drama has unfolded.

French leader Emmanuel Macron is claiming that the Mohammed cartoon is about free speech, but it is obviously not about free speech. That’s because France is a country that has declared questioning the alleged Jewish Holocaust a crime. If it was about free speech, it would be legal to both question the Jewish Holocaust and publish Mohammed cartoons.

Ayatollah Khamenei made this point and he is correct to make it.

This endorsement of these Mohammed cartoons is clearly meant to antagonize the Moslems which is only harmful to the French people.

Obviously, I do not care if Moslems have their feelings hurt over a cartoon. But if the French government was doing what’s best for the French people, they would work on removing Moslems from their land instead of inciting them with this stupid Mohammed cartoon nonsense.