The media’s reporting on the coronavirus has been criminally irresponsible. They are purposefully scaring people into thinking the death rate of the infection is enormously higher than it is. They aren’t stopping with these lies either.

This recent local media report out of Michigan is claiming that the coronavirus death rate is over 9 percent in Michigan and that the nationwide death rate is over 5 percent!


Michigan health officials reported 3,866 deaths from COVID-19 making the state’s death toll is third-highest in the nation, behind only New York and New Jersey.

However, Michigan has the country’s highest death rate. More than 9% of people who’ve tested positive for COVID-19 in Michigan have died, which is almost a full percentage point higher than the next closest state, Connecticut, where more than 8% of people who’ve tested positive have died.

Every other state has a death rate lower than 7%. Nationwide the death rate is 5.8%.

They are calculating these phony statistics based on just the people who have tested positive for the virus. So they are dividing the deaths with only the people who got tested. The thing is, these statistics only take into account the people who felt sick enough to even bother getting tested. This is not how the death rate of other infections like the flu are calculated which rely on random testing to get a true death rate.

This chart they published is total bullshit.

The World Health Organization has pushed the same nonsense to give people the perception that the coronavirus is much more dangerous than the flu. Even though they use two entirely different statistical calculations to come up with these numbers.


Mortality for COVID-19 appears higher than for influenza, especially seasonal influenza. While the true mortality of COVID-19 will take some time to fully understand, the data we have so far indicate that the crude mortality ratio (the number of reported deaths divided by the reported cases) is between 3-4%, the infection mortality rate (the number of reported deaths divided by the number of infections) will be lower. For seasonal influenza, mortality is usually well below 0.1%. However, mortality is to a large extent determined by access to and quality of health care.

Random testing has shown that there are lots of people who have caught the coronavirus but showed no symptoms or weren’t sick enough to bother getting tested. The virus as it turns out is far more infectious than originally thought and thus far less deadly. These statistics don’t take that into account and provides a vastly skewed perception of the actual death rate.

When similar random testing has been done for the coronavirus, the death rate has been much closer to that of the flu. Take for example this study out of Pennsylvania.

And then you have the coronavirus study of Los Angeles County residents done by two doctors. Their study indicated that there was a 0.03 percent death rate in California for the coronavirus. Their press conference revealing their findings has been censored by YouTube which Tucker Carlson covered in great detail.

Unfortunately, lots of people don’t dig into any of the data and just believe these fake charts and graphs being promoted by the media.

I truly believe that the people who maliciously promoted these lies should be charged with high crimes and put to death. The amount of damage they have caused is incalculable.