The same 17 intelligence agencies that believed Russia hacked our elections to install Donald Trump as a puppet of Vladimir Putin are all saying that China is at fault for releasing the coronavirus.

Washington Examiner:

A majority of the U.S. Intelligence Community’s 17 spy agencies believe the coronavirus likely originated with an accidental lab escape from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, a senior intelligence official told the Washington Examiner.

The official also noted dissenting agencies remain open to the theory.

For weeks, speculation has swirled around the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a Biosafety Level 4 Lab in China, amid a debate over whether it originated there or in a nearby wet market, as was widely believed. The Intelligence Community does not believe the coronavirus was bioengineered nor that it was purposefully released from the lab.

The positions of specific spy agencies, such as the CIA or the National Security Agency, were not immediately clear.

Why else would this information be leaked to the media unless this was meant to prepare the population for a potential war with China? Accident or no accident, the intent is clear.

Blaming China for this whole thing is patently absurd though. The Chinese didn’t make the decision to shut down our economy over a virus that has proven to be no more dangerous than the flu. These were the decisions made mostly by state and local governments.

The problem is that a significant portion of the American people are functionally retarded and still believe in this dumb pandemic hoax. So these same people will likely be retarded enough to also demand we go to war against the evil dog eating chinks over this.

That’s why it is vitally important for us to support these reopen protests against the state governments and place blame on who is really responsible for destroying the economy.