Military operations by the United States and the United Kingdom against the Houthis have not stopped their Red Sea blockade operations. They just attacked British cargo ship which is now partially submerged and in the process of sinking. Their blockade has caused all sorts of issues for international commerce and has caused significant economic issues for the Israelis.

The Houthis have said repeatedly that they would only stop the attacks if Israel ends their Gaza genocide operations. They reiterated their position again.

It is a perfectly reasonable position.

The ZOG people have tried to claim that the Houthis are Islamic terrorists or whatever which is stupid. They’re a Shia military group that has widespread popular support in Yemen. ZOG attacks against them have only given them more popular support.

If the ZOG fools had any sense, they would demand Israel end the madness that they are engaged in. This is not happening because the ZOG people in Washington DC are Jews who despite expressing differences with Israel, are effectively acting as an arm of the Israeli regime.