House Democrats are already promising to propose a variety of gun control laws when they take over the House next year.


Newly ascendant Democrats are promising congressional action on gun control amid a rash of mass shootings, including a late-night assault at a California bar that killed 12 people.

Measures including expanded background checks and a ban on assault-style weapons are likely to reach the House floor when Democrats retake control after eight years of Republican rule.

“The American people deserve real action to end the daily epidemic of gun violence that is stealing the lives of our children on campuses, in places of worship and on our streets,” said Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California, the Democratic leader who is running for a second stint as House speaker.

Pelosi vowed to push for a range of actions to stem gun violence, including restrictions on high-capacity magazines and a measure allowing temporary removal of guns from people deemed an imminent risk to themselves or others.

The measures could win approval in the Democratic-controlled House next year but will face opposition from the Republican-controlled Senate and the White House, where President Donald Trump has promised to “protect the Second Amendment.”

None of this is going to go anywhere. These measures won’t get past the Senate and they certainly wouldn’t be signed into law by Donald Trump. It’s just political posturing for their base of insane people.

The fact of the matter is that gun control is not going to prevent gun related violence. Most gun related violence is a result of racial minorities unable to contain their violent behavior. Chicago is a perfect example of this. They have very stringent gun control laws in Chicago yet blacks don’t stop killing one another.

And most of these mass shootings that have taken place are the result of societal issues that have been brought about by Jewish subversion.

But let’s look at how Jews have reacted to the recent Pittsburgh synagogue shooting which resulted in 6,000,011 dead Jews. They’re signing up for gun training.

So we have Jews signing up for gun training to defend themselves against mass shooters while many of them and their Democrat friends are telling the dumb goyim that we need gun control.

It would seem to me that the Jews want special rights. They want to be able to defend themselves with guns while the goyim have no means to legally defend themselves.

I don’t know about all of you, but I am about sick of this hypocrisy from these yids. The Second Amendment is not going away, and there is nothing these filthy kikes can do about it.