Saturday, May 4, 2024

Trump Slashes “Refugee” Quota Again

Let the Jewish tears flow over this.

Fauci is Still Shilling Deadly Fake Vaccines on Television

I hope this piece of shit dies a painful death.

Russia Hoax Continues to Fall Apart

Yes, the Russia hoax investigation is still continuing.

DHS to Allow Illegal Invaders to Choose Gender

Only racist Nazis believe in biology.

Obama is on the Campaign Trail Ranting Incoherently

Go back to Kenya you evil black bastard.

Walmart Attacked for Leaving Chicago Over Black Crime

They're racist and hate niggers because they don't want to run unprofitable stores that blacks keep robbing.

George H.W. Bush Has Died and is Now in Hell

I haven't been this happy since John McCain died.

US Army Helicopters Crash in Alaska

This would not be happening if we had more trannies, women and niggers in the armed services.

Congressman George Santos Arrested on Ridiculous Charges

Another example of a weaponized justice system.