Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Israel Attacked With Hundreds of Rockets From Lebanon

The Jewish Iron Dome system has failed to intercept many of the rockets.

Trump Gives Speech After Being Arrested for Fake Crimes

This is nothing but a political circus.

McCarthy Meets Taiwan ZOG Puppet to Discuss Gay Poop Agenda

The rest of the world is not as excited about anal fisting parties as these two are.

NATO Says the Ukraine Will Become a Member

What makes them think there will be a Ukraine left?

Malaysia Wants Out of the US Dollar

The world is moving away from the US Dollar at a record speed.

Skilled Tranny Woman Wins Australian Pro Golf Tournament

The future of women is here, but not everyone is happy about it.

Israeli Forces Storm Al Aqsa Mosque and Beat Palestinians

You'd think the Jews would chill for a bit but there is no chill with these rats.

Tucker Carlson Would Tell a Pro-WHITE Leader to “Fuck Off”

No Tucker. You are the one who can fuck off.

Gold Surges Past $2,000 an Ounce

The gold price is an indicator that the economy is not in good shape.