Tucker Carlson continues to expose himself as a controlled opposition agent and gatekeeper. He has already said that he wants a war with China to force gay poop sex on them. Now he’s doing interviews and just openly attacking people with pro-WHITE positions claiming that anybody who promotes the interests of WHITE people is a Nazi.

He literally says in the interview that he would tell any leader who represents the interest of WHITE people to “fuck off.”

Calling people Nazis is what Jews and Marxists do. They call anybody opposed to their sick agendas a “Nazi.”

There is no doubt now that Carlson is an agent of the Jews. This is why he was allowed to stay on Fox News. They let him take contrarian positions on things like COVID-19, Russiagate etc.. to gain people’s trust only too later feed them the dog shit that he is doing now. It’s a shame because for awhile, his show was the only thing worth watching on cable news. He was actually doing some good work. Unfortunately, it was all a scam.

Also notice how we haven’t seen Carlson put out any new materials on J6. It seems clear that he was ordered by somebody to not do any new reports on this.

Carlson is the one who can fuck off. He’s going to burn in hell for siding with the Jews and playing a role in the genocide and displacement of WHITE people.