Donald Trump gave a speech at Mar-A-Lago after he flew to New York City so he could be arrested for fake crimes that nobody understands. He called out many of the insane things happening in America and trashed the corrupt interests seeking to destroy him.

They’re saying that he falsified business records when paying off that porn whore Stormy Daniels. It’s not even clear how this is a crime but they are claiming he committed 34 felonies over this. It is such a transparently ridiculous situation that the Jew media spent hours upon hours covering yesterday. They were twisting themselves into a pretzel trying to explain how Trump broke the law.

This is nothing more than a political circus and a distraction from the collapsing economy, the failing war in the Ukraine and the many other problems we have in America.

Trump despite his numerous flaws, remains the best presidential candidate out of all who have announced. He’s the only anti-war candidate and has a proven track record of not getting us into unnecessary conflicts. So between that and the fact that he’s being persecuted by this evil and corrupt Jewish system, is reason enough to support him. All the other candidates want to keep doing big wars for Jews.

The main issue is that there is no reason to believe the 2024 election won’t be rigged like the 2022 and 2020 elections. It is possible the Democrats won’t be able to rig it, but nothing substantive has been done to curtail their vote fraud apparatus. It is however preferable that Trump is the Republican nominee and calling out these stupid wars than having somebody like Ron DeSantis as the nominee who wants to invade China and do other insane things.

This fiasco has made the United States look even worse on the world stage. It is sort of hard to claim that you are spreading freedom and democracy when you are arresting political candidates for fake crimes. Of course, no sane person believes the US is actually spreading freedom and democracy and they haven’t for a very long time. They only seek to force gay poop sex and trannies on people regardless of how individual countries feel about these things. This is the exact opposite of freedom.

The leader of El Salvador Nayib Bukele made an interesting statement about all this.

Even though the Jews will undoubtedly continue to claim they are spreading democracy, there are few in the world who believe it. They’ve had enough of this corrupt evil homosexual Jewish empire.