Saturday, May 4, 2024

MAGA Supporters Compared to Al-Qaeda

They're going to try and paint every person who voted for Donald a domestic terrorist.

GameStop Stock Back Up 100 Percent

The stock market is like it was in Germany before the collapse during the Weimar years.

Racist Cops Kill Black Man Shooting AK-47 At Them

A classic case of White supremacist cop violence against innocent blacks.

Ugly Mutant Lori Lightfoot Won’t Allow Whites to Interview Her

No that isn't a picture of ET the Extra Terrestrial.

CNN Claims Strange Alex Jones-Tucker Carlson Conspiracy

CNN is claiming that Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson are the same person.

Ivermectin is Not “Horse Paste”

It is utterly stupid to say that Ivermectin is just "horse paste."

Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram All Down

Good. Hopefully this is a permanent outage.

Joe Biden Does Cornholio Impression

This is obviously not normal behavior.

28-Year-Old Bodybuilder Dies Days After Taking Moderna Vaxx

The vaxx is deadly enough but mixing steroids and the vaxx can't be a good combination.