The World Economic Forum is very concerned about the ongoing cost of living crisis that many of their members helped create.

They say that it is the biggest short term risk.

In other words, they are concerned that because the peasants can’t afford food, energy and shelter because of their evil policies, that the peasants could threaten their power structure.

I personally don’t think they’ll be able to manage the crisis that they created with their fake pandemic, deadly fake vaccine injections and all their other dystopic agendas. You have major countries like Russia and China which are not playing along and other minor power centers cooperating with them simply because they’re tired of all the weird insanity being pushed by the West.

These people literally want to depopulate the planet and rule over a bunch of mongrels as they seek to merge with technology that they think will allow them to live forever like Gods. They are truly insane people if you read and listen to what they are saying.