When you think about the United States Marines, the last thing you would associate them with is gay anal sex and child trannies. But it is the year 2022 and that is no longer the case. Everything and anything in the Jew-controlled West is associated with gay anal sex and child trannies. The US Marine Corps is not immune from this as evidenced by this tweet.

The image is basically a homosexual version of the art used for the Stanley Kubrick movie Full Metal Jacket.

Only a few decades ago they were banning homosexuals from the military. Now, homosexuals and trannies can openly serve. That’s because the American military now exists for the sole purpose of spreading homosexuality and satanic tranny shit everywhere.

At this point, why would any straight WHITE male want to join these military institutions? They are totally feminized and faggotized versions of their former selves. You also do not know if another man might try to fuck you in the asshole while you are showering in the barracks or while you are in a fox hole while conducting a field training exercise. It is not a good thing for military readiness.

The American military has become a tool for spreading Jewish satanic doctrine and the gay anus. That’s all it is now.