Even though the Jews have waged a total war on him, Trump continues his endless shilling for Jews. He told a bunch of Jews recently that he’s the best ally they’ve ever had.

We have talked at length about how his Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner played an important role in sabotaging Trump’s MAGA agenda which was what originally swept him into power. This is just a well-known and accepted fact.

Jews also played a major role in the Russiagate hoax and in trying to get him impeached before the 2020 election. His entire presidency was being actively undermined and sabotaged by Jewish individuals.

It doesn’t matter how much he tells the Jews that he’s on their side, the vast majority of Jews don’t like him and have been plotting against him. The Jews who do like Trump are pro-Israel Zionist types and they represent a minority of Jews living in America.

Trump would be much better off if he distanced himself from these Jews. This type of thing is only alienating his original supporters and is not gaining him any favors.

He might have been advised to do this after the Ye, Nick Fuentes dinner situation, but it was bad advice.