Donald Trump has officially commuted Roger Stone’s prison sentence.

Tucker Carlson had a good take on the situation.

I’m glad to see him do this. This was long overdue. Stone was ensnared in the Russia hoax and had his home raided by FBI agents simply because he was a supporter of Trump.

The entire political establishment has freaked out about this which is a good sign that Trump did the right thing.

The senile old fool Robert Mueller immediately had an op-ed published in the Washington Post defending his unjust persecution of Stone. He even gloated about how Stone remains a convicted felon.

Mueller might not have even written it though. It was probably just some political operatives connected to him that wrote it in his name. Anybody who saw his testimony in front of Congress could see that his mind wasn’t right. He made about as much sense as Joe Biden has during this whole campaign cycle.

Mitt Romney is claiming that the commutation is unprecedented historic corruption.

Wrong asshole. This commutation was perfectly reasonable considering the circumstances. Historic corruption is what occurred during the Barry Obama regime. Anybody following this knows this. So you are either completely retarded or you are making shit up because you are butt hurt Trump made fun of you for losing the 2012 presidential election.

Either way, I hope this move is a sign Trump is going to start actually doing things for his supporters in the lead up to the election. The Mount Rushmore speech and this are steps in the right direction. But still, I’m not holding my breath considering how erratic this man has been.