As Bill de Blasio has closed New York City’s entire economy and destroyed countless businesses over the flu, he’s also busy promoting racism hoaxes and symbolically harassing Donald Trump. That’s why he helped paint “black lives matter” on the street in front of Trump Tower.

He also announced that he would be banning all large gatherings in New York City unless they were BLM events lol.

Like seriously, this man is a total lunatic. People are leaving New York City in the hundreds of thousands, businesses are closing up shop, crime is skyrocketing, police are demoralized and he’s focused in on painting some stupid sign in the street because he hates Trump.

If this doesn’t show you where his priorities are, nothing will. He is an anti-American piece of shit and an all around nutcase.

I liked him better when he was harassing Jews over the virus hoax. At least that was funny. Maybe he can start doing that again.