The tranny ape Michael Obama has a new memoir out that she is using to bash Donald Trump. She’s none to happy that Trump has made her homosexual husband’s entire time in office irrelevant.

She also did an interview on ABC News where she droned on incoherently about retarded shit nobody cares about.

Even Fox News is trying to paint this disgusting ape bitch in a sympathetic light. Fox News appears to be slowly shifting into full shitlib territory.

Trump’s 100 percent right about her book though. She wrote it primarily to make money and included a bunch of things about Trump in order to create media buzz for it.

The fact that this tranny ape was the First Lady of the United States is an embarrassment. Barack Obama was only elected because idiotic White people primarily consisting of naive boomers, wanted to prove that they weren’t racists. That didn’t work out very well did it? All Obama did while in office was incite racial tensions further and White people continue to be called racists for innocuous things that are not even remotely racist.

Blacks had their chance with Obama and he showed everybody just how insane it is to put a nigger in such a powerful political office.